



The #1 Rated HGH Releaser*

Now With Enteric Coated Tablets For Maximum Potency

Benefits associated with HGH include:
  • Diminished wrinkles, crows feet, laugh lines, and age spots
  • Skin that looks and feels firmer and smoother
  • Increased physical stamina
  • Weight loss with decreased body fat
  • Increased lean muscle
  • Strengthened nails
ORDER NOW *Based on internal customer survey of those who tried GenF20® and at least one other HGH releaser*

Dr. Steven Lamm, As Seen On “The View” Recommends GenF20 Plus®

Dr. Steven Lamm

I would wholeheartedly recommend GenF20 Plus® to anyone wanting to increase their HGH levels and improve their overall health”

Dr. Steven Lamm, MD Best-selling author and the
Director Of NYU’s Men’s Health Center

Dr. Steven Lamm, MD Best-selling author and the
Director Of NYU’s Men’s Health Center


Just Arrived – The GenF20® Clinical Study Results*

GenF20 Plus® Increased IGF-1 Levels By 28% After Just 12 Weeks – See For Yourself:

In a 12 week double-blind study, researchers split 61 participants in two groups. The first 31 volunteers received the complete GenF20 Plus® system, both tablets and oral spray, taken twice a day.

The second group took a placebo at similar dosage.

Among their objectives, the researchers were searching for higher levels of Insulin-Like Growth Factor, or IGF-1. As they explain:

“HGH when released into the blood stream stimulates the liver to produce Insulin-Like Growth Factor 1, which is the primary mediator of HGH.”

Put simply, does GenF20 Plus® help the body release its own HGH?


GenF20 Plus Works. Ask Our Fans

It Helped Them Too!

Order Now


WARNING – The Truth
About HGH Supplements

When looking for an HGH releaser, you’ll find dozens of pills and sprays claiming to contain the ingredients necessary to increase your HGH levels. Although you’ll find they may contain some ingredients that have been scientifically proven to stimulate the production of HGH, they are in such a low dosage they do NOT actually work.

Unfortunately, this is a common practice in the supplement industry since manufacturers want to be able to say their product contains certain ingredients, while at the same time keeping their manufacturing costs as low as possible.

That is why in this industry of imposters, GenF20 Plus® truly stands out from the crowd.

Learn More About Ingredients

My bald spot seems to be shrinking & I am looking younger”

I have been using GenF20 Plus® for two months now. I bought it because I wanted to increase my HGH in order to fight the effects of aging. It’s Great! I’m 64 and It has helped me lose 10 lbs. of body fat. At the same time, My arm size has noticeably increased with inconstant exercise. My bald spot seems to be shrinking and I am looking younger.

I’m sleeping better and feel more energetic! I’ve tried several anti-aging products and this is the best I’ve found. I plan on sticking with GenF20 Plus®.

– Peter F.

I stay in the gym longer”

I’ve been using GenF20 Plus® for one month now. At 56, my endurance, strength and just that “youthful” energy of my past seemed to be fading fast.

In just my first workout after starting GenF20 Plus®, I noticed a subtle difference… endurance UP, strength and energy UP. 3 weeks in and I’m running 50% further and hitting the gym 4-5 days a week, instead of 2-3. And “YES” I even have more engery & desire for time with my wife.

– Jeff C.

It’s True…

You really CAN do something about the march of time and reclaim more of the youthful appearance, vigor, and health of your 20s and 30s.

The Secret is HGH

– Human Growth Hormones

The medical community has long known about the anti-aging benefits of restoring your HGH levels back more to what they were in your 20s.

It’s been scientifically proven that plummeting HGH levels are one of the key causes of problems commonly associated with aging.

Jumpstart your HGH production every day, and expect the benefits associated with HGH, including:

  • Diminished wrinkles, crows feet, laugh lines, and age spots
  • Skin that looks and feels firmer and smoother
  • Increased physical stamina
  • Increased lean muscle
  • Strengthened nails
  • A faster metabolism
  • Weight loss with decreased body fat
  • Greater memory and focus
  • Reinvigorated sex drive and performance
  • Better mood and mental sharpness
  • Improved hair condition and color
  • Better sleep
  • Clearer, healthier vision
  • A strengthened immune system
  • Increased results from exercise

HGH Truly Helps Fight Overall Body Aging

Can Take A Decade Or More Off Your Face!

“Growth hormone is the only anti-aging treatment known that actually makes people look younger.

Even creams and lotions that contain antioxidants like vitamins E, A, or C, retinoic acid, or fruit acids… do not stop the skin from sagging and sinking. [Only] growth hormone therapy can take a decade or more off your face.”

– Dr. Ronald Klatz
President, American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine in his book “Grow Young With HGH” (p. 116)

Effectively Turn Back the Clock 10 to 20 Years

“The effects of six months of human growth hormone on lean body mass and adipose-tissue were equivalent in magnitude to the changes incurred during 10-20 years of aging.”

– Daniel Rudman, M.D.,
in the New England Journal of Medicine
Click Here to Read Excerpts From More Medical Studies

Previously Known as the Anti-Aging Secret of the Wealthy Elite

GenF20 Plus Works! Ask Our Fans

It Helped Them Too


Unfortunately, until recently, the only way to combat decreasing HGH levels in your body was by getting doctor-prescribed injections of synthetic HGH, also known as somatropin.

At a cost of $10,000 to $30,000+ per year.

And these figures don’t take into account travel costs associated with getting yourself to a qualified HGH medical professional at a reputable anti-aging clinic.

Nor do they account for the risk of an overdose associated with injections.

This put HGH therapy out of reach for the average person who wanted to enjoy the anti-aging benefits of this treatment.

GenF20 Plus® is not meant to replace HGH therapy for individuals suffering from medical ailments. But fortunately, there’s now another option for those who want the same effects like the ones people seek in anti-aging clinics. It’s the GenF20 Plus® HGH Releasing System.

Enjoy the Anti-Aging Benefits of HGH Without the Hefty Price Tag or Risky Injections

GenF20 Plus® is what’s known as an “HGH Releasing System.”

Completely natural and available without a prescription, this triple-advantage anti-aging system has been scientifically formulated to encourage your body to safely and naturally restore more of the HGH levels of your youth.

Rather than injecting a foreign, synthetic source.

It gives the average person access to the anti-aging benefits of HGH without:

  • Prohibitive Costs
  • Doctor Visits
  • Risk of Overdose
  • Painful Blood Monitoring
  • Unpleasant Side Effects

How does it work? It’s Simple… The GenF20 Plus® Triple-Advantage System Helps Erase Years Off Your Face and Body

Three Powerful Age-Defying Advantages

GenF20 Plus® contains a proprietary combination of amino acids, nutrients, and peptides that are all scientifically shown to kickstart your pituitary gland. So they encourage your body to safely and naturally boost your HGH to more youthful levels.

Advantage #1 – GenF20 Plus® Daily Supplement

The foundation of the GenF20 Plus® Triple-Advantage System is the #1 rated doctor-endorsed daily supplement*.

It’s a potent “HGH Releaser” that you take twice daily.

Within as little as three weeks, you can expect to feel the anti-aging effects as this proprietary formulation begins working to kickstart your pituitary gland to start releasing more HGH.

To encourage your body to safely and naturally restore your HGH to more youthful levels.

So again, no injections of synthetic HGH are required.

The ingredients are a potent combination of amino acids, nutrients, and peptides that are all known for their HGH boosting effects. They include L-Arginine, L-Glutamine, L-Glycine, Colostrum, Anterior Pituitary Powder**, and more.

Advantage #2 – Independently Tested in Human Clinical Study

GenF20 Plus® Increased IGF-1 Levels By 28% After Just 12 Weeks…

In a 12 week double-blind study, researchers split 61 participants in two groups. The first 31 volunteers received the complete GenF20 Plus® system, tablets and oral spray, both taken twice a day.

The second group took a placebo at similar dosage.

Among their objectives, the researchers were searching for higher levels of Insulin-Like Growth Factor, or IGF-1. As they explain:

“HGH when released into the blood stream stimulates the liver to produce Insulin-Like Growth Factor 1, which is the primary mediator of HGH.”

Put simply, does GenF20 Plus® help the body release its own HGH? The Answer: YES!

See The Full Clinical Study

GenF20 Plus Works! Ask Our Fans

It Helped Them Too ORDER NOW

Client Success Stories

Here’s what just a handful of our thousands of satisfied customers have to say about their experience with GenF20 Plus®:

An effective and all-rounded product to maintain our youth and well being”

During the Covid-19 pandemic, we mature adults need an effective and well-rounded product to maintain our youth and well-being.

I kept searching and found GenF20 Plus® to be the best natural product for maintaining youth, energy and restoring everything a youth should have.

Try it. In no time you will experience the benefit I am experiencing.

Wish I could have found it earlier instead of wasting time and money on products that do not work.

– Ada N. – New York

Energy and sex drive are incredible…”

My skin, hair, nails are vastly improved (hair is thicker!). I have diminished cellulite on my inner thigh that I have tried, until now, to improve for years!

My energy and sex drive are incredible! I highly recommend GenF20® to all my friends and my family already has a supply. My mother has an ailment and now has more energy than ever!

Sylvia Denonna – New York, New York

Stopped me from feeling down…”

I need to tell you at first I gained energy and I thought that was all… but it was way more. I lost a few pounds and slimmed down.

But I really didn’t know mentally how good your product made me feel until I stopped taking it.

It stopped me from feeling down and helped stop bad dreams… I love this stuff!

Joseph Gomes – Weymouth, Massachusetts

Has me feeling significantly better in just 3 weeks”

I began taking GenF20 Plus® about 3 weeks ago because I read studies that show that increasing your Growth Hormone can aid in the repair of leaky gut syndrome.

I purchased 3 months’ worth of the product and in the short time I have been taking it, my sleep has improved and my hair shedding has stopped.

This product, combined with an improved diet, has me feeling significantly better in just 3 weeks. Definitely a fan over here.

Alex S.

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GenF20® Fan Base Sharing Their

67 Day Money Back Guarantee

Try It Risk-Free
For 67 Days!

We back GenF20 Plus® with an industry-leading, 100% risk-free moneyback guarantee that gives you two full months to test our product.

Since it typically takes over a month’s use to begin experiencing the full anti-aging effects of GenF20 Plus® and increased levels of HGH, we’re going to give you an incredible 67 days to try our product.

That’s Two Full Months!

Ready to start experiencing the anti-aging benefits of increased HGH levels yourself with the help of GenF20 Plus®?

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